Israel Baptist Church Ministries

Israel Baptist Church's diverse and dynamic ministries are dedicated to serving God and the community through various forms of worship, education, outreach, and fellowship. Each ministry is designed to support and uplift individuals at different stages of their spiritual journey, providing opportunities for growth, service, and connection within our church family. Explore our ministries to discover how you can get involved and experience the love and grace of Christ in action.


  1. Christian Education Ministry: Offers comprehensive biblical education and discipleship programs for all ages.
  2. Children’s Church: Offers age-appropriate worship and learning experiences for children during regular church services.
  3. Culinary Ministry: Prepares and serves meals for church events, fostering fellowship through shared food.
  4. Dance Ministry: Uses dance as a form of worship and expression to glorify God and inspire the congregation.
  5. Deacons Ministry: Provides spiritual support, guidance, and assistance to the church congregation and community.
  6. Deaf Ministry: Provides interpretation and support for deaf and hard-of-hearing members to fully participate in worship and church activities.
  7. Drama Ministry: Uses theatrical performances to convey biblical stories and principles.
  8. Fellowship Ministry: Supports hospitality of the congregation, including welcoming visitors and providing assistance during church functions. Divisions include: Courtesy Guild; Senior Ushers; and Youth Ushers
  9. Health Awareness Ministry: Promotes physical and mental health well-being through education, screenings, and wellness programs.
  10. Lighthouse Ministry: Focuses on spreading the gospel and serving communities locally and globally through outreach, missions, and evangelistic efforts.
  11. Media Ministry: Manages the church’s audio, video, and online presence to enhance worship experiences and outreach.
  12. Men’s Ministry (Andrew Inspired Men “Aim”): Engages and equips men to grow in their faith and service through fellowship and biblical teaching.
  13. Mime Ministry: Communicates the gospel and biblical messages through mime.
  14. Music Ministry: Leads the congregation in worship through various forms of musical expression.
  15. Outreach Ministry: Engages in community service and evangelism to share the love of Christ beyond the church walls.
  16. Pastor’s Aide Ministry: Supports the pastor through prayer, encouragement, and assistance with personal and ministry needs.
  17. Prayer Ministry (“Upper Room”): Devotes time to intercessory prayer and spiritual support for the church and its members.
  18. Security Ministry: Ensures the safety and security of church members and property during services and events.
  19. Senior Citizens Ministry (“Silver Eagles”): Provides fellowship, support, and activities for the senior members of the church.
  20. Sunday Church School: Provides Sunday morning classes that teach biblical principles and stories to all age groups.
  21. Trustees: Manages the church's financial and property affairs, ensuring responsible stewardship.
  22. Women’s Ministry: Encourages and equips women to grow in their faith and service through fellowship and spiritual enrichment.
  23. Young Adult Ministry: Engages young adults through relevant programs, fellowship, and spiritual growth opportunities.
  24. Youth Ministry: Provides a dynamic and supportive environment for youth to grow in their faith and develop leadership skills.